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Why I Quit My Day Job?

I haven’t updated my blog from long back. There is a big reason behind this and today I will let you know the reason.
Actually I have been busy in a project of my own. It’s not yet completed and I am doing my best to complete it within June. During this time I learned a lot and I will share everything in my blog once it’s done.
But today I thought to write a post about why I quit my day job. The reason is simple like many of us and if you have been working in Corporate field, I believe you can already guess the reasons :-) Anyway if you are not interested to know about my story then please skip this post because you may get bore. This post is going to be little long.
So, What Are The Reasons?
1. I was Sad: Like others, I was also having a great dream of doing job in good IT company. For that I completed BCA(Bachelor of Computer Application) and MCA(Master of Computer Application) with 82% of aggregate. Of course 82% is not much but I was happy with my performance. Then College Campus started and only 2 guys from our class got selected in IT companies. Luckily I was one of them :-)
I was very happy being selected and I was thinking I will be able to explore my knowledge to the next level once I start doing job. Days went and I joined to the company in June 30th 2008. There was 1 month training program for us. I did my best to learn as much as possible during training. After the completion of training I was assigned into one project like my other colleagues. Till this everything was moving very well and I was hoping the other coming days will be also very exiting.
Sadly, I was not assigned into a development project. Instead I was assigned into a maintenance based project. What the F**K? I am a technical person, not just to check websites and send the status email to team leader and other members. In that project there was not much technical work. It was involving only checking website status,server status, sending email and managing little technical issue. There was no any development work. What the hell. For this why they need a person like me? Any person who have good English, they can also perform the same thing. There was also no chance of improving my skills. We all freshers were being treated like small kids. LoL
I was surprised to see the very very low quality of knowledge of few person working in the same project. Even people after having experience of 4-5 years. People like who doesn’t know to write a simple Java program, was working in that project. Anyway most of the Indian IT companies has the same story. Most of them are doing Maintenance Based Project. I was very depressed and very very sad to face all these.
Being very dissatisfied and sad, I started doing research about what can I do of my own. Once I heard that if we have a website we can make money. There is the start. I started searching in Google about how to make money online at all my free time. I spent lot of time searching and  then one day I started my own website. It was just a start. Money came after a lot of struggle.
All those days were very painful for me. The job timing was from 2PM-10PM. Usually I used to reach home at 11PM and from then to morning 5-6 AM I was doing my own work. I used to get up by 12 AM next day, check the emails and then get ready for office again. Of course it was effecting my performance in my job. But who cares! I don’t had intention to continue that job more. Lol..I was just waiting for the right moment. Frankly speaking they are making money from us and not returning us what we deserve. If they think, it’s all about business then let me also think the same. Why they hell I will take my day job from my heart if they don’t?
2. My Marriage: Shocked? Don’t be. After getting the job, my GF was asking me for our marriage. We love each other so much and even there was no problem from both of our family. So, we got married on 14th December 2009.
3. Desire To Be successful: To be successful yet I have to do a lot and I am happy since I am on my way. I already came to know that I won’t be able to be a successful person if I continue the job. So, I had to think about  better alternatives. Please note that success depend on person to person. My success may not be the same with you or vice verse. It is unique for each person. I will think myself successful if I can grow a company of at least 200 members and right now I have only 8 members. You may have higher goal and you may think of growing a Multinational Company. It’s all about our thought.
The Time When I Finally Took Decision…
After may marriage I was continuing the same. But life started to be very tough to maintain both day job and my own work. I was unable to give proper time to my newly married wife. More over till then I was already earning double than my day job. After thinking a lot, I decided to quit the job even though it was not an easy decision. But I was confident. February 28th of 2010 was my last working day. I felt sad since I had good colleagues there. They all are good friend of mine and I missed the time I spent with them. Anyway it’s life. We have to sacrifice something  to get something.
Life After Quitting Day Job:
1. Independent: Yes, now I am independent. I can work whenever I want and how much I want. It’s all depend on me. I am my own BOSS. No one else can fire me from work like other company do during recession time. That
is the thing I hate most in Job. Whenever they want they will hire people and whenever they want they will throw off people like anything.
2. Rewards: The more I work, the more achievement for me. I feel happy when I complete a new project and get the desired result. But it was not same with my job. There was no any rewards or appreciation for good work.
All goes to higher authority people. Look, I am a work-a-holic person and I like to work more. Even sometime I work 48 hours continuously. No sleep for 2 days and I enjoy it since I am doing it for myself. Remember, you can work for yourself more and more and you will enjoy each of the moment.
3. Earning: If I were in job, till now I could have earn $10,000 - $12,000 per year(But while I was at job, I was getting less than this). If you are not from India, then let me tell you that this is a good amount of money in India. But right now I am making around $36,000 - $40,000 per year. I am hoping till the end of this year I will be able to reach $50,000 per year.
Few lines for newbie, for my previous colleagues and to other Indian friend(of course if anybody is interested)
Newbie: I already wrote one blog post regarding this. Please and please remember that there is no magic bullet to online success. One $27 product can’t make you thousands of dollar without hard work. So, don’t waste your money simply purchasing those product. Instead invest your quality time in your work with a goal. It takes time to make money online and it usually take 3 years to rich a six figure income. So, have patience and work on it.
My Previous Colleague and Other Indian Friend: Okay, since we are all from India you may think that making money online is not possible. But I am sure you know about Facebook, Gooogle, Amazon, Ebay. They all are making billions of $$ per year online. You can waste time in Facebook but never try to understand or simply ignore how they are making money.  I can understand that you don’t have interest in making money online. Fine, but you can do something better than your current situation. Create or develop your own software or think about growing one software company. Why you want to waste your knowledge and energy working for someone else?
Don’t feel bad for this. I just want the growth of India and this can be done only and only if every Indian realize their potential and work harder to make India something different. Remember, we can all make our India great. I feel sad knowing that India is still known as Third World Country.
Last Line: Please don’t get me wrong. I am not showing off here and I don’t have any intention to do that. I also have to do a lot still and I am doing it and one day or other day I will make it happen. I am on the way to my success.
Once I watched a great movie and below I am sharing a part of the movie. Whenever you get time, watch this movie. An awesome movie I have ever watched. I hope it will inspire you :-)

Search Engine Optimization For Dummies

The aim of this post is to show you how to make your content Search Engine Optimized to get most out of your effort. It is very important part for your online success. This post contains the basics of search engine optimization methods. It is not difficult to implement the basic methods.
Before going to details I would like to say that Keyword Research is the core of Search Engine Optimization. If you don’t have idea about Keyword Research then you can view my post:
OK, now you have done with your keyword research for your selected niche. Next step is to optimized your contents so that search engine can find your contents.
There are two types of optimization methods: Onpage Optimization and Offpage Optimization. Let me start with OnPage optimization.

Onpage Search Engine optimization:

Onpage optimization basically consists of all of the ranking factors that are located on your webpage. I am going in details steps of these ranking factor.
1.Title: This is the title of your webpage. In html it looks as <Title> </Title>. It is very important to put your main keyword inside title. If you put blank inside title tag you won’t be able to rank in search engine.
To get idea write “download antivirus” in Google and see what’s come up. I got as below:
View Title of Web Page
Download FREE antivirus software - avast! Home Edition - this is the title of the page To make sure go to the website and see the source view of that page. just right click and click view source.
Title of Web Page in View Source Mode
Google shows the title of any web page in their search result. Try to complete your title withing 60 character.
2.Meta Description: It appears just below the title in the search engine result. Make a proper description for your webpage including all your main keyword. Don’t put more than 5 keywords and try to complete meta description within 160 character. You can see meta description in source view as:
View Meta Description
Put your keywords in Meta Keywords also but search engine doesn’t give value for that because of peoples spamming nature.
3.Header Tag: These are the tags that appear as <h1></h1> <h2></h2> <h3></h3>. There are total 6 header tag up to h6. Use it for your webpage properly. Put your page main heading including main keyword in the <h1></h1> tag and sub heading including sub keyword <h2> </h2> tag and continue like this. Whenever search engine crawl your page it crawl the header tags before the text.
4.Bold, Italic Tag: Use <strong></strong> tag to make your text bold and <i></i> for italic. Mind that I did not say to use <b></b> to make bold because search engine give more importance to <strong></strong> tag. Try to make your main keyword bold al least in first paragraph.
5.Image Alt: Alt is an attribute for the img tag. It appears when the browser can’t display image. Here is an example how you have to use :
<img src=”image path” alt=”click To Download Antivirus”> </img>
Always put meaningful content using keyword. Don’t overdo it as search engine may see it as spam.
6.Link: Link are used to link another page or website. It appears in html as
<a href=”download.html”> Download Antivirus</a> Always use good Anchor text while creating link and use your keyword.
<a href=”download.html”> Click Here</a> is NOT a good example of
onpage optimization. It is not an optimized method to use image or flash files while creating hyperlink because spiders for most search engines do not typically crawl links within Flash files or images.
Well, these are the basic Onpage Search Engine Optimization Methods.

Offpage Search Engine optimization:

Offpage optimization basically consists of all of the ranking factors that are NOT located on your webpage, that the search engines look at when ranking a website.
These include:
  • Which websites link to you
  • The number of websites linking to you
  • The Google rank of the website linking to you
  • The page title of the website linking to you
  • The anchor text used in the link linking to you
  • The number and type of links linking to the website that’s linking to you.
  • The number of outbound links on the website that is linking to you
  • The total number of links on the website that is linking to you
  • The IP Address of the websites linking to you.
For Offpage optimization you need to promote your website. It is not simple as Onpage Optimization. For this you need to opt different methods such as Article Marketing, Forum Posting, Blog Posting, Web2.0 etc. As it is difficult to cover everything in one post I am going to write in different post.

How These SEO Secrets Can Make You More Money Online!

We all know that if we want to make money online we must have knowledge of Search Engine Optimization. We should have at least basic knowledge of Search Engine Optimization. Otherwise it will be really very difficult to make money online.
Here only many people do the single mistake - they think that Search Engine Optimization is too difficult and they can’t rank their site. Honestly saying SEO is not difficult at all. It is a complete step by step process and we only need to follow the steps. However I don’t want to claim that it is so easy to rank a site. No, it is not. But if you can follow some steps, I don’t see any reason why you will fail to rank any site.
To make money online the most important this we need is traffic. Traffic is lifeblood for any online business. There are basically two types of traffic -
1. Organic search traffic which is totally free
2. Paid traffic such as Google Adword, Media Buying
Organic search traffic are those we get from search engine and this is totally free. We only need to rank our site in search engine and automatically traffic will start flowing to our website.
Paid traffic are those where we need to pay for traffic. If we want traffic through Google Adword then we need to pay Google for each click. It depends on niche and sometime we need to pay more than $40 per click. Yes, single click will cost you $40.
Other than this there are other types of traffic sources as well such as social networking. But I believe SEO is the best way for two reasons -
1. It is totally FREE
2. We can expect a consistent result after ranking a site. There is only small maintenance required.
If you are a beginner then never choose the paid traffic model. You will only lose your money instead of making money. However I am not saying that people don’t make money through this way. Yes, many people make money through Google Adword. But they are very experienced and they have goog knowledge of SEO. You may have a question - why I need to know SEO when I am paying Google? It is because Google display advertise and charge money based on quality score. Better quality score you get means better position in Google adword and less money. To get better quality you need to know SEO first.
What about SEO Secrets?
I have written an Ebook for people just like you who need a guide covering complete SEO with step by step action plan. In the month of April I wrote one more guide and I got good response from my customers. Because of that I decided to write one more guide on SEO.
The good news is you will get my previous guide completely FREE as a Bonus with my SEO guide. More over there are some very exiting Bonuses.
How much it will cost you?
It is lower than any SEO course available on internet. It is only $12 and there is 100% money back guarantee.
I am sure you will like my guide and you won’t need any other SEO guide after reading my guide. More over I am here for any questions. I will answer to all of your questions regarding SEO.
Unsolicited Testimonials From My Customers:
Testimonial 1 (Read the original one by Clicking Here)
I don’t post to often, but let me put in my 2 cents on @chandan_dutta guide. Easily the best SEO book I have ever read, and even better than some of the SEO video courses I have. 42 pages of no fluff, no bs, no crap he gets straight to the point.
I thought I knew a lot about backlinking, but this guide showed me some new things. He covers just about everything you need to know regarding SEO and backlinks. The bonus Backlinking Expo guide is the icing on the cake.
If you are doing any kind of SEO work, GET THIS GUIDE!! I have a folder on my computer called “My Golden Products” which contains the only IM products I would ever use or recommend to others. I put Chandan’s guides in there after the 1st read…and I usually don’t do that until the 3rd or 4th read.
For the price he is asking this is a no-brainer…o btw his customer service is top notch. He responds to e-mails very quickly, and will help you through any problems.

How To Make Money With Google Adsense

If you have a website or a blog, you should definitely sign up for Google Adsense. It’s one of the few programs you can truly ‘set and forget’ – once it’s there you don’t really need to do much else with it.
But there are ways and means to maximize your income from Google Adsense, and as you get to know more about it you can start to generate a decent income from it that will keep rolling in month after month. It’s a true passive income, which is why so many people are using it.
Most people have heard of Google Adsense, but not everyone understands exactly how to use it to its best advantage. So we’ll start with how to use it in its most basic sense and then progress to the more advanced benefits you can get from the program.

Basically if you have a website or blog you can sign up for a free account at Google Adsense and start putting contextual ads on your website. What do I mean by contextual? It means quite simply that the ads which appear on your site will be relevant to your content. So let’s say for example that your website is about tropical fish. The Google ads will then be related to tropical fish in some way. And because of the information that you give to Google, they will also display adverts that are relevant to your area. So if you are based in the UK the ads that appear will be relevant to UK buyers; if your site or business is based in Australia the ads will appeal to Australian buyers.
All of this is carefully worked out for you in order to attract the maximum click through possible for your website and your ads. Every time someone clicks on an ad you will get a few cents into your Adsense account, so it makes sense that the more attractive and relevant your ads are to your visitors, the more money you will make.
Let’s have a look at the appearance of your ads now, since this can affect the amount of click throughs you get. You can choose the color and borders of your ads to fit right in with the color scheme on your site if you wish, but it’s worth experimenting with having no borders at all around your adverts since this makes them blend in with your content more seamlessly and may encourage more click throughs in a subtle but effective manner.
However well you integrate Google Adsense into your current blog or website though, there is obviously a limit to the amount of money you can make from one site. If you get thousands of people visiting your site every day then you can expect to get a good income from it but many people don’t get this number of visitors and that’s where you need a separate strategy to try and up your numbers.
In this case you can go to the advanced level of Adsense income and think about starting several sites, all based around a different yet popular subject. You should think of these essentially as being content sites, since they are often chock full of articles and useful content which is carefully keyworded to attract plenty of search engine traffic on that particular subject. The Adsense ads are then placed in the optimum positions to achieve the best click through (the Adsense pages will give you ideas on where to position them but it’s worth experimenting to see what works best for you), and the site goes live for people to find and read through.
You can also insert affiliate links for products into these sites in order to gain even more income if you wish, but they are often known as Adsense sites simply because they are set up to attract visitors and click throughs on a specific subject.
Some people end up with dozens of sites like this, and the beauty of them is that once they are built and you have bought your domain name and hosting plan you don’t really need to do too much with them except for promote them. Updating them fairly regularly is good if you want to get to a higher position in the search engine results though, which will gain you more visitors as a result.
You can also keep your site updated more regularly (and encourage repeat visitors) by inserting RSS feeds of news stories related to the subject of your website. Anything that will get people returning to read more – and possibly click on more ads as a result – is worth a try.
One final note here – choose the subjects of your Adsense sites wisely. It’s tempting to go for whatever is in the news at the moment, but once the stories die down so will your traffic. You want something that people will always want to know about – saving money, getting a better job, earning more, and various other more personal subjects such as skin care and successful dating for example. There are plenty of options to choose from; you just need to get your thinking cap on to find them.
In short the best place to start making money from Google Adsense is to integrate it into your existing website or blog. As you gain experience and discover the best ways to use it you can start thinking about adding extra sites into the mix. You might end up being an Adsense guru and raking in plenty of money for very little work indeed. That’s the best thing about it – the ‘set and forget’ benefit that keeps on working even when you’re not.

How To Make Your Blog Search Engine Optimized?

Thinking how to make your blog Search Engine Optimized? It is very easy as there are plugins you can use for blog optimization. All Onpage optimization will be handled by this plugin for your blog. However for Offpage optimization you have to approach different strategies. Here I am saying about Onpage blog optimization for your blog.

Plugins to make your blog search engine optimized

Below are the plugins that you must use to make your blog search engine optimized. Install the plugins and activate it.
  • All In One SEO
  • Google XML Sitemap Generator
  • SEO Friendly Image
  • SEO Smart Link
  • Chunk URL
  • NoFollow FREE
I am showing you how to use All In One SEO Plugin for maximum benefit.
You can get the All in One SEO plugin here. Install the plugin and activate it. After activating some settings are needed.
Step1: Click on All in One SEO. If you are using Wordpress 2.7.1 or upgrade version it will appear in Settings. After clicking you will get as:
All in One SEO for Blog Optimization
Step2.1: Enter your title for your blog. Remember to put your keyword. This title is very important. This is title of your blog that appears on the browser. This title won’t appear on your blog header. Title is shown by the search engine in result.
Step2.2: Enter your home description. This is the meta description of your blog. This description is shown by search engine in result below title.
Step2.3: By default post title format is %post_title% | %blog_title%. Change it to %post_title%. The reason why I am saying to change is it is not necessary to display your blog title with each post. For example if I hadn’t changed, for this post title would have displayed as “How To Make Your Blog Search Engine Optimized? | Earn Money Online”. Defiantly this is not a good title as it is not related and it is more than 60 character.
Step2.4: Click on Update Option
OK, you have configured All In One SEO plugin. Now time is to use it for proper use. Use it for every a new post. Here I am showing how I used this plugin for this post.
Using All in One SEO for Blog Optimization
Enter Title, Description and Keywords. Next publish your post. Now search engine will take this contents and display in result.
Setting the Permalink for blog optimization:
Permalink is the link of your each blog post. For each post there will be different different link. For Permalink setting click on Permalinks in Settings.
Default setting of Permlink is as: -> This is not a search engine friendly link as search engine can’t recognize this link.
It is better if your link contain blog title including the keywords. For this go to Common Settings and choose Custom Structure.
Write Custom Structure as /%category%/%postname%
This will change each link to SEO friendly link as:
However you can change the post title in the link before publishing if you want to do so.
GOOGLE XML Sitemap Generator: This plugin will generate a compatible sitemap of your WordPress blog which is supported by, Google, MSN Search and YAHOO.
SEO Friendly Image: This plugin will automatically adds alt and title attributes to all your images. Improves traffic from search results and makes them W3C/xHTML valid as well.
SEO Smart Link: SEO Smart Links provides automatic SEO benefits for your site in addition to custom keyword lists, nofollow and much more.
Chunk URL: This plugin shorten urls in comments so that they won’t break your site.
NoFollow FREE: According to Google’s new policy if your blog contain more nofollow links it may reduce your pagerank. Why not to give your blog commentor a bonus buy giving them a link to their blog? If you want to do so make your blog’s comment link dofollow. This plugin remove the nofollow tag from your blog’s comments with a lot of options customizable, per user type removal, per comments count removal etc.

Keyword Research - Why it is important for your online business?

Keyword Research is very much important for any online business. For Keywords Definition I can say keywords are the phrase or  word people use while searching in search engine. For example if somebody is looking for  some way to earn money online he or she may search in search engine as -> earn money online, earning money online, making money on Internet, earn cash online etc. So these are the keywords.
To rank in search engine you should use proper keyword for your blog or article. However it depends on so many other factor such as On Page Optimization, Off Page  Optimization, BackLinks, PageRank etc.
If you start your own blog or Website it may take some time to rank in search engine. I am  not an expert but few things I would like to write here. I was able to rank my first mini  site in first page of Google, Yahoo, Msn, Ask for one of my keyword phrase. But I did not  make any profit icon cry Keyword Research    Why it is important for your online business? Why? Because my niche didn’t converted well. May be my landing page  was not good.

Getting Keyword Ideas:

First assume some keyword related to your niche. If you don’t have idea about niche and how  to find a profitable niche you can read my next post. There are so many keyword research tool available today. Some are free and some you have to buy. I like to use free service as it does everything for me. To get keyword ideas you can start with any of following free keyword research tool:
It is the best and free keyword research tool.  For your keyword research
1. Type your niche in the box and then click Get Keyword Ideas
2. Once you enter you will get many keyword related to your niche.
You may be thinking which one to choose. To select good keyword always:
1. Select keyword that have 1000-1500 search volume
2. Select a keyword that has less than 20000 competing page.
First one you will get from the Google External Keyword Tool. See the global search volume.
To get data about competitive page go to Google and search as:
“your keyword phrase” -> Use “”
Now see how many result page Google is showing. This number indicate that those number of  pages are having the same keyword. So you have to compete with them.
Wordtracker - Free Keyword Suggestion Tool
I often use Wordtracker. Wordtracker shows the number of search in daily basis. Just put your keyword in keyword text box and press Hit Me. It will show keyword list and number of  search. It is better to choose a keyword that has 29 - 50 daily search volume.
You will get enough keyword ideas using above two. But still you can go for  further research.
Bullets Use  Keyword Difficult Check Tool to find out  difficulty level. It indicates the difficulty level to rank in search engine for your keyword. If it is less than 40 then easy to rank. Bullets You can also use Google Search Based Keyword Tool to get your keyword by browsing different  category. It shows the monthly search volume, advertiser bidding price for keywords,   competition and many more.
Bullets Through Google Insights For Search you can do more analysis on your keyword. You can select a region and check the peoples interest on your niche over time. However web search is also available. It’s really amazing tool. It display result in graphical way, shows the related keyword and rising searches.
I think this is enough for keyword ideas for a beginner. For further research you can buy Brad Callen’s Keyword Ellite. This is a great software and useful for  advanced keyword research. Using Keyword Ellite you can uncover the exact keyword that are 100% proven to bring success to your Online Business.

Make Money Writing Simple Web Articles

What is the one thing that everyone is looking for when they go online? You’ve got it – information. And if you can supply it in all kinds of shapes and forms then you will be paid for doing so, which could lead to a whole new career as a web writer.
Of course it isn’t just online markets that need content; there are hundreds of other markets you could break into as well, including magazines, but overall it is the internet which offers the best opportunities, especially for the beginning writer.
So why should you start online when you want to earn money writing? The reason is simple – it isn’t just editors that need your work. Website owners, people with newsletters that need writing and countless others all have writing jobs that they can’t or won’t do or don’t have the time to do themselves.

That generally sends them scurrying to websites like Elance and Get A Freelancer to find people who will write the articles and content they need for them. There are plus points and negative points to writing for the internet; you won’t often see your work published under your own name as you will usually be ghostwriting it for someone else, but you will get a lot of work since jobs quite often come in batches. You won’t often get just a single article to write for instance – you might get a half dozen, ten, twenty or even more, so the money can soon mount up.
The best places for finding work are the aforementioned sites, but you should also look on classified ad sites such as Craigslist for jobs in your own country and in other places around the world. There are also plenty of writing related websites that can easily be found via the search engines if you look for ‘online writing jobs’ or something similar. Don’t forget blogging jobs as well; if you have your own blog then you already have experience in blogging, so apply for as many as you can. Ongoing blogging jobs are great for bringing in a regular stream of income.
Getting started and building contacts is the hardest part. Go for jobs you feel confident in doing to begin with; after a while you will pick up speed and complete them faster and much more easily. You will soon learn to juggle your work as well in order to meet all your deadlines before they fall due – this is an essential skill you will need to develop in order to position yourself as one of the best in the business.
You could also work for a ghostwriting team if you prefer; these can also be found via the search engines and a simple email should reveal whether they are accepting new writers at any time. This can make life easier since you don’t have to go looking for work all the time – it is generally supplied by the team leader, depending on how that particular team works.
But can you really make a full time income by doing this? The answer is yes you can, but speed and quality are of the essence. If you produce good work then people will naturally come back to you for more of the same. They will also pay more for work of a better standard, so make sure you don’t put yourself down with the $2 an article crowd.
It will take time to build up enough work to be able to leave your current job and start a brand new career as a web writer, but there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to do this if you persevere and keep checking the classified ad sites and job boards every single day. Don’t wait to apply for jobs either – do it as soon as you see them appear. Getting in early can make all the difference in some cases.
So do you think you have it in you to be a writer? If you do there is a huge market out there just waiting for you to dive in. Just remember where you came from, and leave us a comment by using the form below before you go and begin your new career!

Make Money Taking Surveys- Free Paid Surveys

Did you know that you can Make Money Taking Surveys? Get access to Free Paid Surveys and start making money online today. It is the easiest way to earn money online working from the comfort of your home.
This is the best way for those who don’t want to build their own website or blog or don’t have much time for internet. Simply invest a little amount of time and earn extra money online. Open a new email account before registering to all those free paid surveys. Because you may get lots of email and its better to keep a separate email account for this.

How making money taking surveys system works?

It’s so simple. There are so many multinational companies who want to know feedback of their products from customer. However to earn money online through paid survey you don’t have to buy any product. You have to just register for free to complete this survey online. There is no right or wrong answer. But you are supposed to give your honest opinion so that your opinion can help all those companies to make their products better.

Proof that make money taking surveys system works:

Here I am showing you one proof. You might have one question - why I am doing this? Frankly I am not doing this to get commission or anything like that. I just want to help you. There are so many website who charge $47 - $67 for just getting these list of companies. I am giving all for FREE. See the proof below that this work:
This is for all those people who think earning money online is not possible. So many people even lough at me if I say it is possible to earn cash online. Hope you are not among them. If you are then just go and find how Google is making billions of money online and later come here.Do I Make Money Taking Surveys?
Of course I am. But few thing I don’t like about online survey. Sometimes really unexpected situation occurs. I will be in the half of completing the survey and then I get the message as “You are not eligible for this survey. Continue with the next survey”. You know it hurts. You will be hoping that you will get $2 to $10 once you complete the survey and then this message. That’s why I don’t put so much effort to make money taking surveys.
I like more Affiliate Marketing. Why because you can do as you wish and put as much effort as you can. In Affiliate Marketing you can build your own way to earn money online. Its completely depend on you up to where you want to reach in your business.
If you don’t know about Affiliate Marketing and how to earn cash online through Affiliate Marketing then you can read my post

Make Money Taking Paid Online Surveys – Free Membership

Are you looking for a legitimate way to make money online? Maybe you want some extra spending money. Or perhaps you need the money to pay bills. Either way, getting paid for filling out simple surveys can be a fun and lucrative way to earn that extra cash.
In fact, there’s quite a lot of money to be had — and the cool thing is that you can earn it in your spare time. Any time you can spare a few minutes — or a few hours, you can make money.
It’s easy too. Once you have signed up with the right survey companies, all you have to do is check your email and pick the best surveys, and you’re off to earning money every time you fill in the blanks.
Want to get started making money doing online surveys right away? Visit SurveyMastermind and enter your details. (It’s a completely Free service). Then you will start receiving surveys to fill out and start earning money. Click Here to get started now!
And if you’re wondering why anyone would care about your opinion, let alone pay you good money for it, read on. There’s a reason why you can make real money with surveys:
Countless companies, including the largest international corporations, are desperately trying to find out what consumers want. And they’re willing to pay a whole lot of money for market research.
But they still have a problem. How can they connect with you, the consumer? It’s not all that easy, so they hire survey companies to help them find out what people think about their products and what they would be most likely to buy in the future. They also want to know what it will take to get people to buy…
And if you sign up, you’ll become part of that cutting edge market research.
It’s really cool. You may have the chance to find out about new products long before they actually become available in stores. You might get to play video games that haven’t even been released yet. And you might get to watch trailers for movies that haven’t even finished filming yet. And the best part…. you get paid for your “efforts.”
That’s because paying for you to take surveys is the quickest and easiest way for a company to get the information and feedback they need. And believe it or not, even when they pay thousands of people several dollars each for fill it in even one quick survey, it’s cheaper (and more effective) for them than many other forms of market research. And it’s way cheaper than making a costly mistake.
Remember the NEW Coke? What a disaster that was! And it would have been so easy to prevent. All they had to do was ask people what they thought of the idea and they would have known better than to mess with a tried and true formula.
But noooo. The company executives thought they knew what was best — and they fell flat on their face.
So surveys can be essential for a company’s survival. And they know it and are willing to pay for it. So why not let them pay you?
Now you’re probably wondering what it will take to connect with those big companies and get paid for sharing your opinion?
All you have to do is find the right surveys… And the easiest way to do that is to join a club that specializes in helping consumers like you and me to hook up with the surveys that pay the most money.
We have searched the internet and found what we believe to be the best sites for online surveys. Unlike a lot of other survey sites out there, it’s a Free Service. Not only that, but they also specialize in connecting you with surveys that actually pay.
And as soon as you join and sign up with the companies they recommend, you will start receiving surveys to fill out… and start earning.
Want to get started making money doing online surveys right away? Visit SurveyMastermind and enter your details. (It’s a completely Free service). Then you will start receiving surveys to fill out and start earning money. Click Here to get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is making money with surveys difficult?
Not at all. You just need to be able to answer a few simple questions and fill in some details, and you’re ready to earn a nice income from taking online surveys and helping companies with their market research.
How do I pick the right survey sites?
Start by joining a survey site that will connect you with the best sites. After all, how much you can earn will depend on which survey sites you sign up for. Some of those sites will pay you money every time you fill out a survey, while others use more of a sweepstakes approach, and offer cash and prize draws to those who fill out their surveys.
The sites that we recommend will help you find surveys that pay real cash for surveys. Many other sites will send you surveys that offer prizes and points, so you need to be careful.
No matter which site you sign up for, though, they ultimately all work the same way. You tell them your basic information and then they start sending you surveys whenever they become available.
How will it work?
First you join the survey site. Then, you’ll get access to a list of pre-screened survey companies which in turn will send you the surveys.
You sign up for several of those companies and fill out your profile with as much information as you can. This will help the site in deciding which surveys to send to whom.
Do all survey companies pay cash?
No they don’t. we will be sure to steer you towards survey companies that have lots of cash-paying surveys and away from those that don’t.
How much can I earn?
The amount you will receive for each survey or market research exercise varies between sites and countries, and it depends on the amount of time each one will take you. One site pays between $4 and $50 which is about average, although most surveys will be at the lower end of the scale. Of course, you can fill in several surveys per hour, so the earnings can add up.
Can I answer the surveys any time I want?
Yes you can. However, you should know that you’re usually competing with other survey takers. Each survey may only need to be answered by a set number of people and they often send it to more than is needed to make sure they get enough replies. The sooner you can complete each one and send it back, the better – and the faster your money will add up too.
Is there anything else I need to know?
Make sure you set up a new email account purely for use with your survey sites. After all, you will be getting lots of emails to plough through, and you don’t want them all going into your normal accounts. That way, you won’t have to sort through them to find your personal email. You also don’t risk missing a potentially lucrative survey in an inbox full of personal email.
How can I get started?
Visit SurveyMastermind and enter your details (It’s a Free Service) and you will start receiving surveys to fill out and start earning. Click Here to start now!

How To Earn Money on The Internet With Private Label Rights Products?

It is one of the most easiest way to Earn Money On The Internet with Private Label Rights Products. Many famous internet marketer say that you can make more money online only through your own product. For a newbie it is very difficult to create own product and to sell for profit. How about this if you can get your own product doing nothing and yet can sell it as your own product keeping 100% profit?
Yes, it is possible with Private Label Rights products. With Private Label Rights product you can claim as you are the creator of the product and sell it for 100% profit. More over you can edit the product, title, content as you wish.
If you are searching for any online income opportunity for few days then you might have seen two more terms similar to Private Label Rights Products.
One is Master Label Rights Products and another Resale Rights Products. If you buy any Master Label Rights product you can sell it with Resale Rights to your customer and if you buy any Resale Rights product then you can sell it but not resale rights to your customer.
For every product you buy you will get license with the product. Even some product you can give away for free, some not. So before selling or giving away any product just go through the license once.

What Is My Special Offer To You?

I think you will be excited to know about what I am offering. You can download 14 Private Label Rights Products instantly for FREE. I am not going to ask you a single penny. However this is not the exiting deal that I am going to offer you. There is something more.

Exciting Deal:

Subscriber to my FREE PLR Product and each month you will get a full pack of Private Label Rights Product Completely FREE. However if you don’t like it you may unsubscribe at any time. You may have one question in your mind. How I got all those product? Let me answer you. I am not the creator of those product what I am going to give you for free. I wasted so much time collecting Ebooks, Softwares, Templates etc.. from different website. Now you can access to all those without wasting time and subscribing to so many places.
I know if you are beginner and trying to earn money on the internet, your email box is full with multiple exiting offer. If you subscribe to so many places only one possibility is there and that is you will overwhelmed with too much information. Same thing happened to me and I don’t want you to face the same situation.
Your email will be 100% secure with me and I am not going to spam your mailbox. I just want to help you and maintain a cool friendship with you.
Now you have two option. Either subscribe and get unlimited Private Label Rights product for FREE


Don’t listen to me and search for better opportunity. For your information I would like to say that same product some other marketer are selling $17-$67 and you will get form me absolutely FREE. I am not going to enclose the website here but if you search for few days you will see same products those someone is selling.

How To Embed Images and Videos In Blog Post Effectively?

Embedding images and videos in blog post is very easy. But sometimes you may get problem because of image width and height. Because if your image width and height is more than your available content place, image may not display properly. embedding videos is much more simple. You can embed videos from YouTube or upload from your hard drive.

Steps For Embedding Images In Post:

In the editor click the Add an Image button. See the below screen:
Add Image To Blog Post
Once you click that once flash up loader will open in which you will get option to select image from your hard drive. If you have problem with flash up loader then you can try browser up loader. After selecting an image give a title for image and then click Insert Into Post.Now your image will appear in the post.
Sometimes there may some situation occur where you have to take a screen shot and want to embed that image in your post. Definitely the size of the image will be lager if you take the image by PrintScreen. So to make it fit with your blog you need a software to resize the image according to size of your content width.
You can download a free software IRFANVIEW to resize your image properly. It is very easy yo use. However you can use photoshop also. As I don’t have much knowledge in photoshop I am unable to give you tip for photoshop.
In IRFANVIEW just open your image and then go to
Image-> Resize/Resample from menu bar.
There you just set width and software will automatically adjust height. So, your image quality will be retained. Once more thing you can do for better quality of image. Go to Image-> Sharpen. It will make your image color more sharp.
You may also like to take screen shot of a full web page. In that case you can download a free FireFox AddOn. Download it here. After adding this Add-ons  restart firefox. Now right click on the web page you want to save as an image and select either Save Image of Visible Portion or Save Image of Entire Page.

Steps For Embedding Videos In Post:

You may want to upload YouTube videos as well as videos from your hard drive. So I am showing you both the ways:
Embedding a YouTube Video: Get the video Embed URL. It will be in format of <object width..> Now click on HTML view of your editor and just place the URL wherever you want to display YouTube video. Remember not to go again visual mode as it can break the video. So, before embedding video to your post make other content ready to publish.
Embedding Videos From Hard drive: For this you need to install one plugin in your blog. (I will show you how to install plugin in my upcoming tutorial). You need to install All In One Video Plugin. Download it here. Install the plugin and activate it. After activated you will see a symbol in your editor. Video uploading is almost same as image uploading. It’s better if you convert your video to MP4 format because MP4 videos are compressed and it will take less time to upload. you can download free AVI to MP4 converter here.

How to Make Money with a Website

Making money with a website not only requires very little initial investment, but depending on what you want to focus on, it can be an extremely profitable venture as well. From affiliate marketing to blogging to actually selling your own products or even just running advertising on your site, even beginners with little to no experience can make money with a website if they just follow a few simple guidelines.
For starters, affiliate marketing can be a great way to get started with making money online. With your own website, you can see where your audience is coming from and directly test new strategies to encourage new potential customers to come and buy a product that you’re marketing.
Affiliate marketing is when you market someone else’s product and receive a percentage of commissions in return for directing customers to another’s site. Depending on your niche, this can be quite lucrative. It will require some research to determine the best topics to work on, but regardless, it can be easy to leave links in your articles or even go so far as to have your own online store of goods you are affiliated with.
Blogging is another easy way to make money with a website, because once you’re established, that opens up many more opportunities to dip into other income streams. Given the propensity of other blogs out there today, it’s imperative to create a unique angle that will attract readers and eventually, advertisers. Top bloggers earn thousands per month from advertisers paying them to leave ads on their blogs for their millions of readers to potentially click on. Advertisers like this because they have a targeted audience already assembled for them; they just need a mechanism to get the traffic to their site.
You Can also build simple content based sites that offer visitors information about a particular subject they are search for. Then once you get the traffic coming to your site, you can monetize it by either promoting affiliate programs or by placing ads on your site. (just like the ads on this site) Then every time someone clicks on one of the ads on your site, you get a paid for it. Then you just have to work on getting more traffic. More Traffic = More Clicks = More Money.
Selling products through a website can also make you a healthy profit, because this gives you access to an entire network of internet users all over the world, not just customers who live in your area. Info-products are still making money, albeit not as much as they used to. But these are easy because they cost very little to make and it doesn’t take much effort to market them if your audience is there and possibly willing to purchase them.
Selling info-products means you are providing specialized information to a privileged group of people willing to pay for access to this information. This can be in the form of e-books, newsletters, or reports. All you need is a website, a quality product, and great advertising copy that will have customers lining up to buy.
Having your own website can be extremely helpful in boosting your other business ventures, such as freelance writing or consulting.
This is great in many ways because:
  1. This means you are (hopefully) very knowledgeable about the services you provide and can offer great insight on them to your readers and
  2. Writing articles on this subject matter can reel in not only loyal readers but potential clients as well. For example, if you are a small business consultant writing about marketing tactics, this could interest a business owner looking for further help with their own practice and encourage them to contact you in regards to further services. Offering free reading material is more valuable than most people realize, because it usually leads to actual paying customers.
Whichever way you choose to make money out of your website it’s easy to see why some of the most successful people and companies in the world are building their own websites.

How To Make Money On EBay

There is a lot of money to be made as a seller on eBay. Thousands and thousands of sales are made each day, resulting in a lot of income for a lot of sellers. And there is still room for you if you want to get involved – whether you want to earn some part time cash or set up a whole new full time business on the side.
But where do you get your stock from? How do you get started? And how can you build a business that gives you PowerSeller status? Relax – you’re about to find out.
It’s easy work to get started earning money on eBay. Once you’ve signed up for your free account the best way to get a feel for what selling is like is to auction off some of your personal items that you no longer want. If you are going to start buying stock to resell, you’ll do better by getting some basic selling experience first.
While we are on the subject of stock, you’ll need to decide what kind of business you are going to set up. Of course you can sell anything you like, but if you want to make a name for yourself it helps to become known for selling a specific type of product.
Now that doesn’t necessarily mean your product area needs to be a small one; on the contrary it could be quite large. You could sell toys for example – there’s plenty there to keep any seller going for months on end without selling the same thing twice. You do need to pick a popular product though, and it’s worth doing some research using eBay’s advanced search feature to find out what is selling and how much it’s selling for.
So let’s say you want to sell computer games, for example. There are hundreds of games you could buy to sell here, but if you don’t know which ones will sell you could lose a lot of money buying the wrong stock. By searching the ended listings you can see which titles consistently sell well, and which ones will produce the best profit for you.
Okay – so you know how to figure out what to buy. Now you need to know where to get it from. It stands to reason that no seller is going to tell you where they get their stock; that would be like giving away the keys to their business. In order to find the best sources for stock you need to do a bit of legwork.
We should mention here that there are two main sources for stock – wholesalers and dropshippers. Both have their pros and cons; it just depends on which method you personally prefer.
Dropshippers hold all the stock for you, so you only actually pay for an item once you’ve received payment from the customer. You may have to pay a fee to join the scheme in the first place though. If you choose to go with one or more wholesalers you will need to have the room to buy the stock, and the money to buy it in advance. This comes with more risk since you could buy stock that doesn’t sell, but with the tactic we’ve already covered for checking completed listings before you order anything, the risk here should be kept to a minimum.
So – back to where to find these sources. If you have a particular product in mind that you want to sell, the simple act of looking at the packaging can often reveal the name of the supplier. You can then check out their website to see what else they do.
Another method is to search for what you want on Google. This sounds deceptively simple and in fact many people don’t think of doing this. It can be a bit hit or miss, but it’s possible to find some excellent wholesalers through this method. Over time you will go from having one wholesaler to a handful of sources to get your stock from, and you can build up your product range as you start to grow.
Building your feedback is an important part of being a good seller and the higher you can get your score the better. It sets you apart as being a dedicated seller. And the faster your score climbs, the closer you get to attaining PowerSeller status.
The PowerSeller symbol is highly prized among serious eBay sellers, and there are five levels to strive for. The first is Bronze, and it’s a lot easier to reach than you might think. While you might set a goal for yourself to reach PowerSeller, you will find that if you build up your product range and gradually increase your sales, you will reach it in no time. And if you get off to a great start you might just do it in three months – the minimum time you can actually do it in.
Many sellers have their own shop on eBay, but it’s not necessary when you first get started. In fact you are often better off waiting until you have a good range of stock before opening a shop, since it can look rather empty if you only have a handful of items.
The final thing to think about is the price of the items you are selling. It stands to reason that if you sell a hundred different products in the $5 to $10 price range, you won’t make as much cash as you would selling a hundred in the $50 to $100 price range.
But you need to work out what you enjoy selling and what you can sell lots of to experience real success on eBay. Don’t go for expensive products just because they might bring a bigger profit. Go for your calling – that’s where you will experience the biggest success.
Above all, remember that it can take time to build a successful business – but if you’re determined to achieve real success on eBay you should be enjoying the journey.